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Rest The Case is organising a Legal League Quiz to test knowledge on legal matters

Pune, 3rd April, 2023: Rest The Case, a legal aggregator platform and One Stop Solution for legal services and information, is on a mission to not just make law accessible to all but also ensure that law is simplified so that everyone can understand it. As part of their continuous effort to make law accessible to all, Rest The Case is organising their annual quiz competition titled ‘Legal League Quiz’.

Legal League Quiz by Rest The Case will test people on their knowledge of laws in the Country. The quiz will consist of questions related to Indian law ranging from constitutional law, criminal law, civil law to other legal topics. The quiz competition is open to people from all walks of life and is designed to create awareness about the legal system.

Rest The Case

Law is an important element in all phases of life and basic legal knowledge is essential for everyone in their personal and professional lives. Through Rest the Case, we are trying to make law more and more accessible to people even in the remotest areas so that they know their basic rights and duties. Through Legal League Quiz we wish to reach out to as many people as possible and educate them about the generic legal terms and nuances that are mandatory in today’s times. This quiz is not just for law aspirants and graduates but for every citizen who should have a basic understanding of the law procedures”, says Shreya Sharma, Founder & CEO- Rest the case”

People from different parts of the country are open to participate in this quiz as it will be live and online. Participants will be provided with a QR Code/ Link or a Code to access the quiz. All questions will have a timer and all the participants would be expected to finish the questions within the time limit. Once the quiz starts, the real time will be shared with them on the spot and participants can also win a cash prize up to Rs Five thousand.

As one of the finest legal aggregator platforms in the country, Rest the case helps its clients in providing the best lawyers in the country who can also avail legal help without wasting much time. The platform also offers details and easy explanations about the Law to help people gain a better understanding of the legal system.

To register for the quiz one can fill out the registration form by clicking on the link given below.

Date: 16th April 2023

Time: Registered Participants will be notified

Fee: Rs 50

Mode: Online & Live

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